“Call of Duty: Black Ops 6” recently released its second major post-launch update with new multiplayer maps: Bounty, Dealership, and Lifeline, and The Tomb, a new zombies experience, and new weapons.
“Call of Duty: Black Ops 6” is a first-person shooter set during the 1990s that features an action-packed campaign, fast-paced multiplayer, and a zombie survival experience.
In season two, three new multiplayer maps have been added at launch. These are Bounty, Dealership, and Lifeline.
Lifeline is a 6v6 (six versus six) and 2v2 (two versus two) multiplayer map set on a small yacht. It is very close quarters and very chaotic on 6v6, usually, one side is always able to push up to the other team’s spawn, which is not fun. However, this map is more balanced in 2v2 but is not as fun as Stakeout. Stakeout is similar to Lifeline where it is a small fast-paced map, but players do not get spawn trapped as often.
Dealership is a 6v6 map set at a car dealership along with alleys and back routes players can take. This is a typical three-lane multiplayer map, but it plays very well, especially on Hardpoint. Most objectives have multiple entryways and ways to flank. The map also does not have too many locations for players to camp. Dealership is the most enjoyable new map out of season two’s offerings.
Bounty is a 6v6 map set in a high-rise. On the map, there are many alternate routes and vents to go through, but this allows players to get shot at from many angles which can be frustrating. There are also many corners for campers to hide in leading to aggravating moments.
There are two new maps coming later in season two, Bullet and also Grind from “Call of Duty: Black Ops 2.” Bullet is a 2v2 and 6v6 map set on a moving train. Grind is a fan-favorite 6v6 multiplayer map from “Black Ops 2” set in a skate park.
The Tomb
The Tomb is the fourth zombie map for “Black Ops 6.” It is a smaller map that is akin to Liberty Falls and features its own main quest, wonder weapon, and returning perk.
The map is about the same size as Liberty Falls which is disappointing coming off of maps like Citadelle Des Mortes and Terminus. It is very claustrophobic with tight hallways and close-quarters area which helps to differentiate it from previous maps. The aesthetic of the map is great as the tombs are very eerie. The Dark Aether Nexus is beautiful and vibrant.
For enemies in The Tomb: Vermin, Parasites, Doppleghast, and Amalgams return from Citadelle Des Mortes along with the Shock Mimic from “Modern Warfare Zombies.” The addition of the Mimic is puzzling as the Amalgam and Doppleghasts already perform similar roles, with Amalgams able to grab and Doppleghasts are quick. This leads to an unfun experience at times with the Mimic also being able to shock and disorient the player.
The wonder weapon for The Tomb is the ice staff from Origins. This is a strange choice as in Origins there were four staffs: the fire staff, the ice staff, the wind staff, and The Lightning Staff. Choosing one to return instead of all four feels like a missed opportunity. The staff doesn’t function any differently from its Origins counterpart, compare this to the jet gun reprisal in Liberty Falls, a new shockwave attack and no longer breaking.
Death Perception returns, last seen in “Modern Warfare Zombies.” Death Perception helps find more loot and can see enemies through walls. This is confusing as Vulture Aid released in Citadelle Des Mortes filled the niche of finding more salvage and equipment. Death Perceptions’ ability to see zombies through obstacles is not useful, as zombies are not as methodical as multiplayer. The augments for Death Perception are also less helpful than other perks.
Another problem with the perks is the availability. Due to the size of the map, not all perk machines are available which include: melee machiatto, elemental pop, and vulture aid. It is strange for the two new perks added with “Black Ops 6,” melee machiatto and vulture aid, to not be available normally. This forces players to wait until the Wunderfizz spawns on round 25.
The main quest for The Tomb is pretty short. It revolves around upgrading the ice staff and completing four trials before initiating the boss fight. The fight involves dodging beams and doing damage. A problem with this boss fight is that you will soft-lock if you do not do enough damage, which is very frustrating. The enemies in the fight are also a little too strong as the elite Doppleghast can one-hit down players.
The main quest is short, but the problem with it is very similar to Citadelle Des Mortes and does not try to switch up the formula of getting the wonder weapon and doing a trial four times.
Overall, The Tomb has many missed opportunities and questionable decisions in its main quest, perks, and enemies, but the flow of the map is fun, the aesthetic is great, and the ice staff is very fun to use.
In the middle of the season, there will also be a limited-time game mode for zombie players to enjoy, but currently, this is unknown.
Season two introduces three new weapons at launch, all available in the battle pass for free use across multiplayer, zombies, and warzone.
The first weapon is the cypher 091, which is an assault rifle and handles very well with good damage. The classic PPSh-41 submachine gun also returns from “Call of Duty Vanguard,” however, this weapon is not as good as the KSV or Jackel PDW, as the damage is weak along with its range. The last weapon is the Feng 82 which has a slower fire rate compared to other light machine guns but makes up for it with its damage output and mobility.
These are not all the weapons for season two as the TR2 marksmen rifle will be released later in the season along with new melee weapons at midseason.
Overall, “Black Ops 6” season two is a 7.5 out of 10. The multiplayer maps are very hit or miss with only Dealership being the standout. The Tomb is somewhat fun to play but has many missed opportunities and strange design decisions that hold the map back. The weapons are also nothing too special and not too different from current options.